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3707 E. Southern Ave

Mesa, AZ 85206

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Mesa, AZ 85206

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Families First Mediation

Professional Family & Divorce Mediation

At Families First Mediation, our professional family and divorce mediation services provide separating couples in Maricopa County with the complete support they need to embark on a peaceful and amicable divorce or help resolve other family matters such as child custody, child support or parent-time.

Free Consultation

If you are in need of help from a lawyer, we will advise you free of charge regardless of the case. Grow organically the holistic world view.

20 Years Of Experience

We have the best skilled lawyers with many years of background knowledge and experience. We combine expertise with exceptional care.

Award & Certificates

We have received many valuable awards and the trust of customers from the times of winning. With a genuine focus on client care.
years of experience
0 +

Family Mediation You Can Trust

Experienced Divorce Mediation Serving Maricopa County, AZ

Our divorce mediators are dedicated to meeting the needs of Maricopa County families with unwavering compassion and strength. We are committed to aggressively protecting your family’s best interests while guiding you during life’s most challenging moments.

As your trusted divorce mediation professionals our confidence and strength will be vital assets in professionally navigating the complexities of divorce, ensuring you find a positive path forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Whether you’re seeking an amicable separation or need assistance resolving disputes through divorce mediation, our dedicated mediation professionals are here to support you in every step.

Achieve Fair and Amicable Separation

Through Professional Divorce Mediation in Maricopa County

When you opt for divorce mediation at Families First Mediation, you choose a path to fairness and peace. Our neutral mediators will guide both spouses through the entire divorce process, sparing you the need to step into a courtroom.

Our mediators will also assist you in identifying all the issues related to your divorce, help you work through problems, find solutions, and ultimately reach personalized agreements that benefit both parties.

During mediation, our divorce mediation professionals will cover all divorce matters relevant to Maricopa County, AZ, such as property division, spousal maintenance, parenting time, and child custody. With our dedicated mediation professionals, you will identify issues, find solutions, and create personalized agreements that work for all parties involved.

Our family mediators will act as an impartial third party throughout the divorce mediation process, ensuring a balanced and collaborative approach to resolving your issues.

Families First Mediation

Searching for Reliable Maricopa County “Divorce Mediation Near Me?

Our Divorce Mediation Professionals

Offers Premier Family Mediation Services

A seasoned divorce mediation professional at Families First Mediation is ready to support couples in Maricopa County, AZ, to reach fair and mutually acceptable agreements through expert and professional family mediation services:

Families First Mediation

Not All Divorce Mediation Services are Equal

Regarding divorce mediation, not all mediators are cut from the same cloth. They bring varying approaches and styles to the table, and their qualifications can differ significantly.

Maricopa County has no strict licensing requirements or regulations for divorce mediators. Essentially, anyone can claim to be a mediator. It’s a concerning fact. That’s why checking into a mediator’s background and experience is crucial before deciding.

We understand the importance of experience and professionalism in divorce mediation at Families First Mediation. With many years of experience serving Maricopa County families, we bring strength, compassion, and a track record of successful outcomes to the table.

Your family’s well-being is our priority, and we’re here to guide you through this challenging time with confidence and care. Choose divorce mediation professionals you can trust—choose Families First Mediation for professional divorce mediation services in Maricopa County.

Families First Mediation

Understanding How Divorce Mediation in Maricopa County Works

Divorce mediation offers a constructive alternative to the traditional adversarial courtroom process in Maricopa County. Rather than engaging in lengthy and costly legal battles, divorce mediation involves the collaborative effort of you, your spouse, and a trained divorce mediation professional to reach mutually acceptable agreements.

Role Separation
    Role Separation

    Divorce mediation helps you and your spouse distinguish between your roles as spouses, which are ending, and your roles as parents, which continue. This distinction is crucial for effective decision-making.

    Financial Assessment
      Financial Assessment

      With the mediators’ guidance, you'll evaluate your current financial situation and plan for future financial needs. Divorce or family mediation allows you to address both immediate concerns and long-term financial considerations.

      Focused Discussions
        Focused Discussions

        Our mediators’ role is to guide your discussions, ensuring they remain focused on relevant issues and potential solutions. You actively participate in negotiations, working toward reasonable outcomes that consider the well-being of all family members.

        Fair and Unbiased Guidance
          Fair and Unbiased Guidance

          It is important to note that as your divorce mediation professionals, we remain impartial, advocating for neither party and refraining from making decisions. Instead, we facilitate open and constructive dialogue, helping you explore various options and understand the implications of your choices.

          Identifying Solutions
            Identifying Solutions

            The mediators assist in pinpointing the key issues and exploring potential solutions. You actively participate in negotiations, working together to find reasonable solutions.

            Leveling the Playing Field
              Leveling the Playing Field

              Even if one party is more skilled or powerful in negotiation, the mediators strive to maintain a balance of power, ensuring neither party is disadvantaged or dominates the process.

              In essence, divorce mediation is about finding common ground and creating fair solutions without the need for winners or losers. It’s a cooperative approach to divorce resolution that allows both parties to actively participate and make informed decisions while navigating a challenging time.

              If you are searching for trustworthy “divorce mediation near me,” Families First Mediation offers experienced divorce mediation professionals committed to assisting you in achieving a mutually satisfactory settlement, fostering a respectful and efficient path to divorce resolution.

              Why Choose Family Mediation Over Court for Your Divorce?

              Divorce litigation can be a confrontational process, where lawyers advocate vigorously for their clients, often leading to heightened tensions and strained relationships. Attorneys gather information through complex procedures like lengthy financial statements, written interrogatories (formal questions answered under oath), and assembling extensive documents like credit card statements, tax returns, and bank records.

              Sometimes, subpoenas are issued to individuals, organizations, or companies to obtain information about the opposing party. Sometimes, people are deposed, meaning they answer questions under oath in the presence of divorce attorneys and a court stenographer. Depending on the case’s complexity, both sides may bring in their own experts, including accountants, appraisers, child therapists, and more.

              The divorce litigation process is inherently adversarial, aiming to accumulate evidence that supports your side while weakening the other party, all with the hope of securing a favorable judgment from a judge in a trial where there’s no jury—only the judge’s decision.

              In contrast, family mediation offers a more cooperative approach. It encourages you and your spouse to collaborate in reaching a mutually beneficial agreement guided by a mediator who provides coaching, education, and support. With less emphasis on conflict and more on problem-solving, family mediation keeps you focused on your real needs and the best interests of your children.

              Mediation empowers you to make your own decisions about your future rather than relying on a judge or attorneys. Plus, divorce mediation is notably more cost-effective, often saving you both from the hefty expenses that can exceed $50,000 each in litigation.


              Is Divorce Mediation For You?

              Divorce can be incredibly challenging, affecting your finances and emotions and profoundly impacting your entire family. However, divorce mediation aims to alleviate this stress rather than escalate it. With a skilled divorce mediation professional’s guidance, couples can negotiate their own settlement and acquire valuable techniques for resolving future conflicts.

              Divorce mediation is ideal for couples who want to maintain control over the decisions that shape their lives and, most importantly, want to shield their children from being caught in the crossfire. It’s not just for couples who already know how to cooperate; mediators help individuals find productive ways to work together, even amid anger and disagreements.

              What are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation in Maricopa County?

              Divorce mediation offers numerous benefits for couples seeking a more peaceful and efficient divorce process:

              Greater Control

              With divorce mediation, you and your spouse maintain control over the decisions that shape your future. Instead of leaving the outcome to a judge, you have the opportunity to collaborate and find solutions that work best for your unique situation.

              Privacy and Confidentiality

              Divorce mediation takes place in a confidential setting, ensuring your privacy throughout the process. This allows for open and honest discussions without fearing personal matters becoming public records.


              Compared to traditional litigation, divorce mediation is often more cost-effective. It typically requires fewer court appearances and legal fees, making it a more affordable option for couples seeking an amicable divorce.

              Preserving Relationships

              Divorce mediation promotes healthy communication and cooperation, which can be beneficial, especially when children are involved. By minimizing conflict and focusing on collaboration, mediation helps preserve relationships and provides a more positive foundation for future co-parenting.

              Choosing Divorce Mediation Over Painful Court Battles May Be Better For Your Children

              Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging and emotionally taxing experience, and it’s natural to be concerned about its impact on your children. However, engaging in a hostile courtroom battle won’t make it any easier for them; it can make matters worse.

              While your marriage may be coming to an end, your role as parents remains intact. It’s essential that, when all is said and done, you can effectively co-parent for the well-being of your children. Numerous studies on the effects of divorce on children consistently reach the same conclusion: it’s not the divorce itself that causes lasting harm, but rather how you handle it.

              Consider this: Did you and your spouse sit down together to work out the details of your divorce collaboratively, or did you engage in an adversarial battle, seeking to maximize your gains and minimize your losses?

              We believe we owe our children not to engage in warfare. Instead, consider divorce mediation as a more peaceful and child-focused alternative. At Families First Mediation, we are committed to helping couples navigate divorce with compassion, cooperation, and the well-being of their children at the forefront.

              Find the best family law mediators near you at Families First Mediation and choose a path that minimizes trauma and promotes a healthier future for your family.

              Families First Mediation

              Your Trusted Choice for “Divorce Mediation Near Me”

              Learn About Divorce Mediation

              By Contacting Our Maricopa County Divorce Mediation Professionals Today

              When you choose Families First Mediation for your divorce mediation needs in Maricopa County, you can expect the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and individualized attention. We are devoted to aiding you in achieving a serene and satisfactory resolution to your divorce.

              Contact Families First Mediation today to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced divorce mediation professionals. Allow our unwavering strength and compassionate guidance to steer you through the mediation process, facilitating a seamless transition to the next chapter of your life with newfound confidence and peace of mind!